A toad bag with literature quotes from the bookstore Shakespear and company lost it on the bus 95 or the metro bus 7 at Paris

Description du ou des objet(s) perdu(s) :

I had a toad bag with literature quotes from the bookstore Shakespear and company close to Notre Dame. Inside the toad bag was a paper bag that contained my books. I had 5 books and 2 maps of the Louvre. The books were fresh and were the following: an afternoon at the existentialist café, poems about a dying earth (can't remember name properly now), a thin horror book about a doll, a collection of revolution pictures (in french) and i can't remember the last one. One of the maps inside was rolled up the other one is straight and rectangular.

Couleur : The bag was pink/purple with white with a brown paper bag inside. Books all had different colours.
Marque : Shakespear and company toad bag

Lieu de perte :

Probable places are the seats of the bus 95, or the metro line 7 where i was travelling from the the Crimée station to Pyramides by metro, then to Gare Saint Lazare by bus with the 95.

Objet perdu dans un transport
Ville : Paris

Date de perte : 29 octobre 2021

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