I lost a brown paper bag on the security control. Inside there was 6 christian nativity. They were the same two by two. Two of them were a big colobus and marrow in colour. Other two were inside of a box and could be removed and the last 2 were two small dark yellow collobus with something made out of beads to hang. All colobus had a kind of door to open and inside is the nativity itself. I have picture of what i lost.

Description du ou des objet(s) perdu(s) :

One brown paper bag with six nativity hand made inside.
They were in total 3 different pairs of them.
2 were big calabash color maroon with a door that you can open and inside the figures of the nativity.
2 were inside of a brown box and when you open the box you remove the nativity the 3 main figures only.
2 were a small dark yellow calabash with a line made out of beads to hang it. With a door that can be one and inside there are the nativity figures.

Couleur : Brown, marron and dark yellow

Lieu de perte :

I forget it at security control of Terminal 2F at around 8am in the morning of 25th of October
I arrive on the flight AF 0813 from Nairobi in Terminal 2E and my next flight was in Terminal 2F , flight AF 1024 to Lisbon.
In CDG Airport.

Date de perte : 25 octobre 2023

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