Description du ou des objet(s) perdu(s) :
The main colour is orange. It’s a rectangular wallet, on which pandas are drawn (both sides are the same). Several IDs with my name and picture are inside, along with JPY cash, one 10€ banknote, a key to my bike’s lock, point cards (for example: Achim Cafe), etc.
Couleur : Orange
Lieu de perte :
I used my wallet for the last time at Haneda Airport Terminal 3 train station, at the IC card charging machine on the left of the ticket gates (not the ticket vending machines on the right). I then rode the Keikyū line and got down at Shinagawa station. I took the Yamanote Line to Shibuya to change to the Inokashira Line. To do so, you have to follow the indications that guide you to that line. They lead outside, where you have to cross the road and turn right to find another entrance to the station. I stopped by the 7/11 that’s located right after the pedestrian crossing on the way to the second entrance to the station, but did not use my wallet or open my bag at any moment. I then rode the Inokashira Line to Meidaimae, and headed home (10min walk, I probably didn’t lose it at that time).
Objet perdu dans un transport
Ville : Tokyo
Date de perte : 31 mars 2023
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