Description du ou des objet(s) perdu(s) :
My keys which I believe has one silver Kesso 1000 key and one black electronic touch/tap key. I believe it fell out of my pocket going up the staircase exiting RER B, coming from the 5th/13th arrondisment going to mk2 odeon movie theater. I exited right by the siene river across from la creme de paris (diner) on the corner and I walked out the first exit of that corner block walking 10 min to the movie theater.
Couleur : one silver, one black
Marque : Kesso 1000 and the black one I think has an N on it
Modèle : Kesso 1000 and the black one I think has an N on it
Lieu de perte :
staircase exiting metro coming from 5th/13th arrondisment to mk2 odeon movie theater exiting across from la creme de paris notre dame. There's also a possibility itb happened the other way, like going back home
Ville : Paris
Date de perte : 25 février 2024
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