Description du ou des objet(s) perdu(s) :
Hello! 🙂 I've lost my 1 key + 1 small chip together with a bluewhite keychain on the 03.09.2023 for the Flight FR1325 from 9 PM to Vienna. I've lost it probably at the airport in the security check, or in the waiting hall of the small airport, or in the airplane from Ryan Air/Lauda. I don't know where exactly, but I had it in my backpack as I entered the Beavuis Airport. Please help me, as the chip, which was with my home key together costs about 350 Euro to refund me. The key has stated on it: 4KS EVVA 740WET248. There was also a small round chip with the key and the keychain, which is needed to access all areas in my building. The chip has written on it: The keychain (blue-white card) states: THE ONE > 24. OG > TOP 248 | 24.248 Bewohnerschluessel
Couleur : Metallic/Grey + Blue-white keychain
Lieu de perte :
I've lost it probably at the airport in the security check, or in the waiting hall of the small airport, or in the airplane from Ryan Air/Lauda. I cant decide, but I had the key + chip + key-chain as I entered the airport in my Backpack.
Objet perdu dans un transport
Date de perte : 3 septembre 2023
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