Description du ou des objet(s) perdu(s) :
Have you found my laptop? I'm on a business trip & really need to hear back please.
- gray with Dell lettering on the outside
- Privacy film with two magnets to attach to the top of the screen only
- When you turn it on then a grey screen saver from ZEISS opens & when you log on you see my name - Sophie Einsiedel
- There is also a sticker with a code on the edge of the screen which contains numbers & digits
Please call me as soon as possible. I am very worried that he is no longer there. My friend can pick it up immediately in Munich.
I flew from Madrid to Munich yesterday - landed at 17:50
LH1803. A coworker from Lufthansa told me, that the next flight of this airplane was to Paris CdG and after that to Rome / Neapel
Please call me as soon as possible when the laptop is found: 017614148819
Thank you!!
Couleur : Grey
Marque : Dell
Lieu de perte :
Just before landing in Munich, the stewardess put my laptop in the top of the overhead compartment above seat 13C/14C. I got off the plane in Munich. The plane was still flying from Munich to Paris CDG last night 10/06/23 (LH2236). Maybe it was found there. A Lufthansa employee said that the plane flew from Paris to Munich today 11/06/23 and was also supposed to fly to Naples, but landed in Rome.
Objet perdu dans un transport
Date de perte : 10 juin 2023
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