Description du ou des objet(s) perdu(s) :
It is my MVMT Chrono Gunmetal watch with dark grey stainless steel case and dark grey clock face with 3 smaller inner clocks forming a V shape inside the main clock face for a stopwatch and 24H functions. Also the date is shown on the bottom right corner of the inner block. The seconds hand and the hands of the inner clocks are light blue , while the minute hand and the hour hand are dark grey.
The loop on the black leather strap is quite worn , the inner layer is stretched and lost its form and color , now it seems whiteish and came out of its place. Also there are some minor scratches on the front glass of the watch and on the stainless steel casing as well.
Couleur : black, dark grey, light blue
Marque : MVMT
Modèle : Chrono Gunmetal
Lieu de perte :
Beauvais Airport Terminal 2, Security Check, Conveyor Belt 1. Probably fell on the ground or left in a tray.
Ville : Beauvais
Date de perte : 29 mars 2024
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