Description du ou des objet(s) perdu(s) :
I would like to report my hardcase purple 20-22inches luggage being lost/stoled for my bus N781 trip to Paris (from Brussels). The Flix bus stopped at Paris CDG Central Bus Station Terminal 3 at around 235-245AM. Since it's really early morning and raining, another bus passenger purposely took my luggage or mistook it is theirs. My stop was in Paris Bercy at 315AM which when I was trying to get my luggage, it was not there. I'm thinking if he/she might leave my belongings in the CDG area or at the airport. If that passenger has to catch a flight for that day.
Flix bus has no updates until now. I'm hoping for the best to find it while I'm still in EU until May 2.
Luggage Color: Dark Violet (Fuchsia shade) Hard case 4-wheeled trolley, 20-22inches.
It has a (made in) Germany and the brand (starts with G) indicated outside the luggage.
My Penbrothers Company ID
and gov't issued ID are inside the luggage. I have some Philippine pesos and some SGD USD paper bills in there as well.
I don't have a bag tag as this is my carry on luggage.
Couleur : Violet Fuchsia
Marque : has made in Germany
Modèle : don't know
Lieu de perte :
Paris CDG Central Bus Station Terminal 3 or inside CDG airport
Ville : n/a
Date de perte : 25 avril 2023
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