Description du ou des objet(s) perdu(s) :
One small grey cloth jewelry pouch about 8 cm wide and 5 cm tall. There are two separations inside the pouch and contained the following: 1) one pair diamond stud earrings
2) one pair gold earrings with aquamarine and diamonds
3) one pair of yellow gold and turquoise hoop earrings
4) one necklace strand with (gold) with squared pearls and raw rubies
5) one long strand (about 30 inches) with multi-beaded in light colored stones
Couleur : The pouch containing the jewelry is a light grey cloth bag. Diamonds are diamond color and aquamarine stone is a blue color. The pearls are white and the rubies are red. The strand on multi colored stones are clear to off-white to light blue
Marque : There are no brands
Modèle : not applicable
Lieu de perte :
On Wednesday, 19 April around noontime. I believe the jewelry pouch went missing at the Security Check. The bag was inside the side pocket of my tote which was placed on its side in a plastic box to go through security checks. I landed on an international Air France flight from San Francisco in Terminal 2E and walked through immigration and customs and then went to my connecting flight at Terminal 2F. Before getting to the gate area, I had to go through the Security check.
Ville : Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport
Date de perte : 19 avril 2023
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