I have lost my Iphone 8 Plus 128 GB (Black Color) and white earpods yesterday night on Sunday, October 23, 2022. I took eatable items from Zabka Woloska 52A, took bus no. 141 from Woloska 5 and get off at Przyczolek Grochowski 02. Then I walked towards Aleja Stanów Zjednoczonych 34. Then went to nearest Zabka at Motorowa 10/U4 then crossed the overpass bridge and took a bus and get off after few stops. Then I kept on walking for good time and also walked through big park, I kept on walking and then found Klubokawiarnia Towarzyska, Zwycięzców 49, U-1. I went there and stay for sometime and then I moved from there. All of a sudden, I checked my pockets and found that there is no phone. Maybe I lost in these Zabka, maybe somewhere in the bus or roads, big park, Klubokawiarnia.. I don’t know. I went to these zabka and Klubokawiarnia and asked them if they found my phone there but they said « No ».

Description du ou des objet(s) perdu(s) :

1. Iphone 8 Plus 128 GB, Black
2. Earpod, White

Couleur : Black
Marque : Iphone
Modèle : Iphone 8 plus

Lieu de perte :

I have already mentioned all the areas where I went and have passed by walking and by bus. I really don't know if my iPhone fell down from my jacket in a bus or outside on the road or maybe in the big park near to Klubokawiarnia Towarzyska. Today, I went again to the same route and visited Zabka Stores staffs and Klubokawiarnia Towarzyska staffs and asked them if they have seen or found my iPhone. They said "NO". I didn't visit the big park because I don't remember the exact area I was walking. Actually, my phone is turned off and due to this I cannot even see the location of the phone through iCloud. I had very less time in Warsaw. Now I am leaving for Wroclaw where I study for 5 months under Erasmus exchange.

Ville : Warsaw

Date de perte : 23 octobre 2022

J'ai trouvé cet / ces objet(s)
francais Si vous avez trouvé cet objet, merci d'envoyer un e-mail à l'adresse suivante :
english If you have found this item, please send an e-mail to the following address :
espanol Si ha encontrado este objeto, envíe un correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección :
objet20667 info doc

J'ai perdu un ou des objet(s)
francais Si vous avez perdu un ou des objet(s) et que vous souhaitez signaler en ligne la perte de ce/ces dernier(s), cliquez ici pour accéder au formulaire de signalement en ligne.
english If you have lost an object(s) and would like to report the loss online, click here to access the online report form.
espanol Si ha perdido uno o varios objetos y desea notificar la pérdida en línea, haga clic aquí para acceder al formulario de notificación en línea.

J'ai trouvé un autre objet
francais Si vous avez trouvé un objet, nous vous invitons à le rapporter au service des objets trouvés de la ville ou du lieu où vous l'avez trouvé ou à le transmettre à un gardien de la paix, à un gendarme ou dans une mairie.
english If you have found an object, we invite you to bring it back to the Lost and Found department of the city or place where you found it or to pass it on to a police officer, a gendarme or in a town hall.
espanol Si ha encontrado un objeto, le invitamos a llevarlo al departamento de objetos perdidos de la ciudad o del lugar donde lo haya encontrado o a entregárselo a un policía, a un gendarme o a un ayuntamiento.

objet perdu

Les principaux objets perdus sont les suivants : clés perdues, portefeuille perdu, sac perdu, téléphone perdu et lunettes perdues.