Laptop perfu
Date du signalement : 13/07/23
Heure du signalement : 12h04
Perte écouteur
Date du signalement : 12/07/23
Heure du signalement : 23h16
I lost my passport on an Air France flight from NICE – Paris on the 4th of July. I filed a report on ObjetTrouves and they found my passport the next day. I requested for them to ship it to me as I had already boarded my flight to Portugal. I am currently in Lisbon. Today I received an email saying that they have lost my passport. I have to leave the schengen area on the 18th of July, and I am not sure how to proceed. The details on my passport match the details I provided in the contact information. The passport number is Z6981522, issued in Kinshasa on the 30th of October, 2022.
Date du signalement : 12/07/23
Heure du signalement : 14h53
Date du signalement : 11/07/23
Heure du signalement : 13h45
Date du signalement : 11/07/23
Heure du signalement : 1h12
Telphone j5
Date du signalement : 10/07/23
Heure du signalement : 18h19
signaler objet perdu